Way thought for the day, 11th June 2012 – And the High Lord Buddha

And the High Lord Buddha too was also exalted as a god long after he was dead and his children were dead; and the true greatness of him was lost. Men were still not ready for that which he had set before them. Again, men of greed for power used him and all that he was, to create something that was against all that he was, and all that he did, and all that he did say. And by the use of this vileness men did great wrong of him and his Caul, and they did believe whatever gave them power over his people. And they knew not anything except the vileness of belief and the evil of unreason.

From the Hallowed Book of Man

(Chapter: The Buddha)

Spanish Bailout update

At the beginning of April, we published a briefing predicting that Spanish banks were heading for a eurozone bailout – hoping that we wouldn’t be right. Well, alas, it looks like we were. It’s been another frantic week for the eurozone, with Spain taking centre stage amid reports that a request for a bailout to help deal with its troubled banking sector might actually be a matter of hours away. Here is an overview of where we are at.


  • EU and German sources told Reuters this morning that Spain is expected to make a formal request for a bailout over the weekend, possibly as early as tomorrow afternoon;



Way thought for the day, 7th June 2012 – For all things which do not move

“Photo courtesy PDPhoto.org

“For all things which do not move, I say onto you, are all the sons of men; for you are from that place. In the hearts of those who speak out of joy and truth, you exist. Even if it comes forth in the body of the Force among men, and is not received, still it shall return to its place.

“Whoever does not know the work of perfection, knows nothing. If one does not stand in the darkness, he will not be able to see the light.

“If one does not understand how fire came into existence, he will burn in it, because he does not know the root of it.

“If one does not first understand water, he knows nothing. For what use is there for him to be cleansed in it?

“If one does not understand how blowing wind came into existence, he will blow away with it.

“If one does not understand how the body, which he bears, came into existence, he will perish with it.

“And how will someone who does not know the son know the father? And to someone who will not know the root of all things, they remain hidden.

“Someone who will not know the root of wickedness is no stranger to it. Whoever will not understand how he came will not understand how he will go, and he is no stranger to this Cosmos, which will swallow him, and by which will he be humiliated.”


From the Hallowed Book of Man

Chapter: Teachings of the Sixth High Lord



Way thought for the day, 5th June 2012 – Belief is a weakening thing….


“Photo courtesy PDPhoto.org

Judas said to Jesus, “Look, what will those who have been baptised in your name do?”

Jesus said, “Truly I say onto you, this baptism performed in my name is useless, as it is all belief. Cleanse yourselves before the Seventh with water, but consider it no more than cleansing. Rituals of water and of fire have no uses, and no powers that men so crave. You must seek the power that is found only in knowledge, and abandon all belief in the unbelievable. Belief is a weakening thing, for it has not substance.”

Extract from the Hallowed Book of Man

(Chapter: The Secret Revelation to Judas Iscariot)


Way thought for the day 3nd June, 2012 – like unto the lotus…

“Photo courtesy PDPhoto.org

“All unenlightened mankind envy the bliss of him who has escaped from the floods of passion and has climbed the shores of nirvana. His heart is cleansed from all defilement and free from all illusion. He is like unto the lotus: which grows in the water, yet not a drop of water adheres to its petals.

“The man who walks in the noble Way lives in the world, and yet his heart is not defiled by worldly desires. He who does not see the four noble truths, he who does not understand the three characteristics* and has not grounded himself in the Uncreate, has still a long path to traverse, by repeated new beginnings, through the desert of ignorance, with its mirages of illusion, and through the morass of wrong.

“But now that you have gained comprehension, the cause of further migrations and aberrations is removed. The goal is reached: the craving of selfishness is destroyed, and the truth is attained. This is true deliverance; this is salvation; this is the bliss of a life.”


From the Hallowed Book of Man

(Chapter: The Straight Path of Wisdom)

*Consideration (due respect), truthfulness (reasoning, seeing things as they are) and dishonesty (unreason, seeing things as they are not).

Morality – what is it?

An article on morality

Morality – what is it, and who or what decides what is moral and what isn't? It's confusing only because of its expediency, yet expediency is not a yardstick for any real or reasonable morality. Every state claims that it acts on a moral level, but does it? Look at the evidence over the last ten years, never mind the last two thousand. Every religious group claims that it is moral, and holds the highest moral standards, but do they? If the child abuse scandals are anything to go by, the answer is most certainly not.

Look at the actions of world governments, from the United States of America, probably the most immoral, to Islamic countries, who are nearly all close runners-up, and to Russia, which is equal to the worst moral countries bar none. Then there's South American countries that are governed by drug barons. All these countries are a warning to us all, if we just look.

The Bible is put forward as the true word of God, yet it isn't. It was eventually decided what could and couldn’t be be put into the English King James Version, in 1611, by a group of scholars who couldn't decide or agree on what was true and what wasn't. It ended up a compromise, not truth. The Jews fought over the contents of what is widely known as the Old Testament for millennia, and altered and changed it as they fought, and yet even today it is pressed forward as the truth, in all its various forms. Worst of all, our general popular morality is based on it, the same as the morality of the Islamic countries are based on the Koran. I'd better not mention the Koran, or their idea of morality will lead them to give me more trouble than I already have.

Morality is more of an idea than a reasonable benefit to people as a whole. If bankers followed Christian morality they would not be bankers, as usury is, according to Roman Church law, heresy, and punishable by excommunication, yet we have the Vatican Bank. How do we explain that? We simply don't mention it, that’s how. Expediency replaces morality on this two-way avoidance. If we don't mention it, people will forgot and all will be well. If it was wrong sixteen hundred years ago, then it's wrong now.

True morality is constant, like the old morality that goes back thousand of years to the time of Dan, one of the most important individuals in the development of the Way as a philosophy of reason. Here it says what it means. There is no point in altering rules that have proved themselves to be good and correct for so long, even though The Way does not follow anything dogmatically. Should there be error, then it is changed. So far, no errors have been found at a factual level.

There are the twelve laws, or moral rules, laid down in The Way, along with what is known as the unwritten law which says “First do no harm” and is placed before all laws. These laws are twelve plus one moral rules, and they are as follows:

The first rule or law says, “Honour the seven responsibilities of man as laid down. Alter not, interpret not. they are as they are.”

These responsibilities are recognised by the wearing of a pentacle, the five-pointed star in the circle. The pentacle is supposed to be a sign of witches and evil, according to Christian teaching, but there is no actual basis for this, though Hollywood and horror books have made much mileage of its merely imagined unreality. Yet Jesus, the man whose teachings they are supposed to follow, would have worn one, as we all do. The message of the pentacle is very moral, as it is thought upon and considered with all its precepts every day. This is done, lest we forget our seven main responsibilities.

The second rule or law is: No man shall kill without good reason, not man, beast, green thing, that which is harmful. All things have their purpose.

Again, this is moral to any standards. Even rats and all sorts of creepy crawlies that we don't like have their purpose, even though we may not understand them or know of them. Germs or bacteria may kill us, but so many keep us alive. What is not harming you, isn't worthy of killing.

The third law says: Take not anything which you do not put back. Should you cut down a tree, plant six. Lay naught to waste especially flesh as it is bought at a high price.

Again moral and sensible. If we cut down a tree then plant six. The wind and weather will kill two, the animals with eat two more, and that leaves two – one to grow and one to thin, meaning remove one, so that the strongest tree can flourish.

To eat flesh we must kill, but we must show respect to the beast that is killed in order to provide the necessary food. We therefore always eat meat first so that flesh is not wasted. If you can’t eat all that is set before you, let only vegetable matter be wasted from the table; and that must be fed to the wild things so that nothing is actually wasted. Place nothing to the fire that can help to sustain some living creature that hungers.

The fourth law says: Take no thing that is not yours by right.

This is obvious. But you must consider the right and the wrong. So much is taken, you could say stolen, from us today by organisations that don't have any moral right to take; including the various states. They have laws that make it all look right. Some are right, but some are not. Our privacy is stolen and more will be stolen. Even you are stolen from yourself, as you are not your own property; and yet most don't realize it – yet. That's why all followers of The Way enter at their own choice and become free and sovereign beings of The Way. The unholy trinity of Church, State and Bank, steal everything, and if their demands are not forthcoming, then force is used. They can't take from you without your agreement, unless you are held in slave status; and that is illegal; but do you realise that? Think about it.

The fifth laws says: Protect that which sustains against those who know no better.

Just common sense, but more importantly, it's moral.

The sixth laws says: Lay not man with man or woman with woman. Such thing goes against the natural things. That which goes against the natural way of things is a danger to nature itself. Death shall visit those who break this law.

Homosexuality is immoral. They ingest each other’s faeces, drink each other's urine, suck each other's penises, and so ingest sperm, which is the same a drinking raw blood. They groom young people into their vile ways, and so destroy the lives of any such young people that come into their grip. Lesbians have their own bad practices. All these practices help to create disease. Disease is passed on to others and they don't have any moral right to harm others, for any excuse, never mind reason. So many accept the abnormal as normal, exactly as it says in the last prophecy of Jesus. Sodomy has been considered wrong since before the time of Sodom, from where the name came. So why now is it suddenly not only moral, but at the point of becoming compulsory? So much for morality.

The seventh law simply says: Harm no child.

This rule is simple, to the point, and needs no defense regarding its morality from anyone.

The eighth law says: Each is his or her own being and may do with according to his or her own wish, providing no harm shall befall any other living thing. Adultery is such a thing and cannot be forgiven. cast them out.

This law concerns personal freedoms. It follows on from the sixth law. It also mentions adultery. Again, adultery lends itself to you bringing home something nasty to your spouse; and you do not have such a right. If it is not right, then is it wrong, with no shades of black or grey in-between. The danger of disease was more frightening when these laws were laid down than now, yet the danger is as real today as it was then. Look at all the women who have chlamydia and other worse infections that have left them barren. They then expect the public to pay for IVF treatment for them. They should have followed moral rules in the beginning and the problem would not have arisen. Even so, who knows of the lasting damage to themselves, or to anyone else that they have had sex with? Who counts the number of children with cleft palate and other deformities, that can be caused from careless sexual, immoral behaviour? I'm going to get it in the neck for this one, it's not supposed to be mentioned. True none the less. Then what is truth, in our excuse-making world?

The ninth law says: Eat only meat from the beasts which have been killed without fear or pain, so far as the killing of them has allowed. All pain of the spirit and the flesh must be avoided.

So many animals are slaughtered under terrifying conditions. We want cheap meat; and so the poor defenseless beast pays the price in pain and suffering. We pretend that it comes from the supermarket already wrapped. We never consider how it gets there, or under what conditions. There comes to mind the saying, “There's none so blind, as those who don't want to see”. This attitude causes Way members no end of wasted time, because of people who say that they want to know but simply won’t make the effort to look and learn, and then realise the realities. They say that they want to know, all that they wants to know is what suits the mood or occasion. If it makes them look important or righteous, then they love it. If it shows them as what they are really about, no one wants to know. So many want to look, but not see, want to hear and but not actually listen, or only to the bits that profit them. We have become a morally corrupt generation in the main. People just don't want to be upset, regardless of the suffering all about us, so they just look the other way.

It is not only beasts, by also mankind that is suffering. Mankind is suffering and dying because of politics; and the bankers control the politics, but they are only interested in profit, and not at all in the cost of their greed for the long-sufferings millions.

Look at the state of many African countries. Many charities make themselves rich while doing very little. Look at the very profitable business there is in charity shops. Labour is free, because the labourers, being good and honest people, don't realise the truth. Stock is given freely, and maybe a little as ten per cent goes to the charity. That leaves up to ninety per cent profit margin to the organisers. What an immoral con!

The tenth law says: All things that move upon the earth are beasts (including you). Honour them all as you would like to be honoured, and treat kindly.

Again this ties in with other rules, or laws. It can only be right. It is moral in every way.

The eleventh law says: Take care of your forefathers and respect and honour them. Feed them and house them as they did you when you could not care for yourself.

Yet again, this one speaks for itself. Who can abandon their mother or father and still consider or even call themselves human, never mind moral?

Today's idea of morality is to get the old folks into homes as soon as possible, where they can be abused and ill treated, whilst we sit back, living in their houses, spending their savings and taking no notice of anything that we don’t want to see or know about. We condemn them to a life sentence, yet in the main they have done nothing wrong.

Imagine being in jail for the rest of your life. Their lives may appear short to the young and closed-of-mind young people, but it's still the rest of their lives, and all that they have. Yet for expediency’s sake and without conscience, we condemn them regardless. Wait for it, as your turn is coming, and then you'll know. The dawn of realisation is coming closer every second of every day. Closer and closer it comes. Then it's your turn to have your heart broken. Where is the morality in such selfish behaviour?

The twelfth law says: Honour your priests, but should they offend, seek judgement from a high priest, and should a high priest offend seek out another high priest and again seek judgement.

We all have problems from time to time. We need guidance. Sometimes we need justice. In today's world, law is considered justice, but it isn't. In The Way, when law and justice come into conflict, we put the laws of man aside. Should you seek advice, help, or judgement from a priest and you are not happy with it, then you can seek out another, and another, until you either happy with the judgement, or a minimum of three of them say that you have been justly treated. Even then you can go to the highest levels, and again seek judgement. This ensures justice for all. Mankind can live without many things, but justice isn't one of them.

That which is just is moral. All that is not is immoral, and there is far too much immorality. The unborn are not considered when sex is free and easy with no responsibility taken. These laws or rules are what we consider to be good rules to live by. We will live by them until the sun ceases to shine.

It is to be remembered that the word priest originally dis not and does not mean a holy man with the ear of some god or other. We are not that immoral. It simply means ‘teacher’, as does the word ‘Nazarene’.

Bob Crosbie 1.6. 2012


Way thought for the day 2nd June, 2012 – All creatures are what they are…

“Photo courtesy PDPhoto.org

“All creatures are what they are through the karma of their deeds. The rational nature of man is a spark of the true light; it is the first step on the upward road. But new births are required to ensure a continuation of our species. The enlightenment of mind and heart, where the immeasurable light of moral comprehension is gained, this is the source of all goodness.”

From the Hallowed Book of Man

(Chapter: The Straight Path of Wisdom)