According to his portion of truth, so does man hate injustice, and according to his inheritance in the kingdom of injustice, so is he wicked, and so hates truth.
(The Covenant)
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According to his portion of truth, so does man hate injustice, and according to his inheritance in the kingdom of injustice, so is he wicked, and so hates truth.
(The Covenant)
“Photo courtesy“
You shall set aside the solstice to judge one another in spirit and in deed, and each man shall change his rank according to that which he has earned in effort and deed. This change shall take place in the dead of the year, and shall be decided at the fullness of light.
Extract from The Covenant
(Examination of Spirit)
His disciples questioned him, and said to him, “Do you want us to fast? How shall we pray? Shall we give alms? What diet shall we observe?”
Jesus said to them, “If you fast, it shall serve you no purpose, lest that you lose your bellies. Should you become as the righteous, you will give rise to that which is wrong for yourselves; and if you pray, you will be condemned for your stupidity, for there is no god to hear you, and you will do harm to your spirits. The Force of the Earth has no ears for men, and hears not his mumblings.
“Furthermore, do not tell lies that are evil or unnecessary, and do not do what you hate unless it is necessary, for all things are plain in the sight of the inner man. For nothing hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered. That which you see is without harm, and that which you see not is a danger to you.
“When you go into any land and walk about in the districts, if they receive you, eat what they will set before you, and heal the sick among them as far as you can. For what goes into your mouth will not defile you; but that which issues from your mouth,”it is that which will defile you. Men have two ears and one mouth: hear therefore twice that of which you speak, and so shall you become wise and do most good.”
(Chapter: The Writings of Didymus Judas Thomas)
Jesus said, “Become not passers-by who see naught, hear naught and tell of naught. The wages of naught shall be naught.”
(Chapter: The Writings of Didymus Judas Thomas)
And the old man asked of himself, “What is it all about?”
Jesus said, “The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a small child seven days old about the place of life; and he will live because he seeks, and knows not shame in the seeking. For many who are first will become last, and they will become one and the same.”
(Chapter: The Writings of Didymus Judas Thomas)
Since the time of Dan, who was the first to come before men, to Odin and Marduk, to Moses and to Buddha, was given much learning by the Brotherhood. They did also teach and protect Jesus Ben Miriam, and did strengthen him in his spirit, and assisted him in his hour of testing upon the tree, for his life's sake. Paul did pour scorn upon him, for the message of the Christ's was not suited to his design. And Peter was slain, for he wouldst not commend the new teachings.
Picture credit Sandra Dodd
None shall be saved by prayer, for there is no thing and no one to hear you. Only by reason and through knowledge shall men live.
From the Hallowed Book of Man
Take not any thing which you do not put back. Should you cut down a tree, plant six. Lay naught to waste, especially flesh, as it is bought at a high price.
The third of The Twelve Laws
No man shall kill without good reason, not man, beast nor green thing, that which flies or lives in water; even that which is harmful. All things have their purpose.
The second of the Twelve Laws
Honour the Seven Responsibilities of Man as laid down. Alter not, interpret not: they are as they are.
The first of the Twelve Laws