Way thought for the day 22nd August 2012 – And this is the sign that a man follows the right path


Photo credit Forestina Photos at Deviant Art

“And this is the sign that a man follows the right path: Uprightness is his delight, and he sees danger in the least of those things which he should avoid. He trains himself in the commands of morality, he encompasses himself with forthrightness in word and deed; he sustains his life by means that are quite pure; good is his conduct; guarded is the door of his senses; mindful and self-possessed, he is altogether happy.”


Excerpt from The Hallowed Book of Man

(Chapter: The City of Nirvana)

Way thought for the day 20th August 2012 – Creatures even such a mankind


Photo credit: PD Photos – Jon Sullivan

“Creatures even such a mankind, from mind their character derive; mind-marshalled are they, mind made. Mind is the source either of bliss or of corruption. By oneself evil is done, by oneself one suffers; by oneself evil is left undone, by oneself one is purified. Purity and impurity belong to oneself, no one can purify another.”

From The Hallowed Book of Man

(Chapter: The City of Nirvana)

Way thought for the day 14th August 2012 – Beware you of low cunning

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And the master said, “Beware you of low cunning, as it is often found in the highest places, and practiced by those of devious intent, who mistakenly believe that it is wisdom, and don't know, or even realise that there is a difference.


From the teachings of the Son of the Widow



Having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion.
Skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit.

Way thought for the day 13th August 2012 – The images of idolatry are manifest to man


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Jesus* said, “The images of idolatry are manifest to man, but the light that shines from the candles about them remains concealed in the image of the light of stupidity. He who shall come after me in the light of The Way will become manifest without candles, but his image will remain concealed by his light; and his light shall also be concealed by the perception of men who see little.”


From The Hallowed Book of Man


(Chapter: The Writings of Didymus Judas Thomas)


* Known amongst his names to the followers of The Way as Joshua Ben Miriam, the Sixth to Come

Way thought for the day 12th August 2012 – Like a flame in a great body of blazing fire

Like a flame…..

Photo credit Dimitar Nechev

A group of the Hallowed Brethren came before the Buddha. And the Blessed One thus addressed them, “Those who only believe, call me Gotama, but you call me the Buddha, the Blessed One, the Teacher. And this is right, for I have in this life entered nirvana, while the life of Gotama has been extinguished.

“Self has disappeared and the truth has taken its abode in me. This body of mine is Gotama's body and it will be dissolved in due time, and after its dissolution no one will see Gotama again. But the truth remains. The Buddha will not die; the Buddha will continue to live in the hallowed body of the laws of The Way and in its hallowed Brotherhood. It shall live until the coming of the Seventh; and his number shall be ten. Perchance it will live beyond that time should he be successful. Should he fail, then truth shall turn from mankind, and all shall stand lost.

“The extinction of the Blessed One will be by that passing away in which nothing remains that could tend to the formation of another self. Nor will it be possible to point out the Blessed One as being here or there. But it will be like a flame in a great body of blazing fire. That flame has ceased; it has vanished, and it cannot be said that it is here or there. In the body of The Way, the continuance of the Brotherhood of Nazarenes, and the grace of those two who are yet to come after me, I shall be known; the Blessed One can be pointed out, for the Dharma has been preached to me and by me.

“Ye are my children, I am your father; through me have ye been released from your spiritual sufferings. I myself, having reached the other shore, help others to cross the stream; I myself having attained the knowledge that shall lead mankind to his salvation.

“I am a saviour of others; being comforted, I comfort others and show them The Way, and that Way will lead them to the places of final refuge. I shall fill with joy all the beings whose limbs languish; I shall give happiness to those who are dying from distress; I shall extend to them succour and deliverance.

“I, like them and those gone before in this great purpose, was born into the world as the King of Truth, for the salvation of the world. The subject on which I meditate is truth; the practice to which I devote myself is truth; the topic of my conversation is truth; my thoughts are always in the truth,”for lo! my self has become like truth.”

Extract from The Hallowed Book of Man

(Chapter: To the Places of Final Refuge)


Way thought for the day 11th August 2012 – And my spirit became afflicted for the sons of men












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Jesus said, “I took my place in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found all of them intoxicated and foolish. I found none of them thirsty for the drink that I offered onto them. And my spirit became afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind in their hearts and do not have sight; for empty they came into the world and empty, too, they seek to leave the world. But for the moment they are intoxicated. When they shake off their wine, then they will repent. But alas it shall be too late for them.”

From The Hallowed Book of Man

(Chapter: The Writings of Didymus Judas Thomas)

Way thought for the day 8th August 2012

Photo credit JPGphotos

“Hankering after pleasure is a danger common to all; in balance it gives substance to life. He who is involved in the eddies of drunkenness finds no escape from his realities, nor from his addiction. But wisdom is the handy boat, reflection is the rudder. The slogan of The Way, which is Reason, calls you to overcome the assaults of the common beast that is within us all. Since it is impossible to escape the result of our deeds, let us practice good works. Let us guard our thoughts, that we do no evil, for as we sow so shall we reap.”

From The Hallowed Book of Man

Chapter: Of Teaching and Learning