Response to Irish Times Article 16th April 2010

The reality underpinning all this misery and confusion, is that people who once felt that they belonged to a system of collective security, shaky though it might be, are now faced with the harsh and unforgiving reality that much of what they were fed was based on dreams and illusion. That illusion was formed by a combination of their basic human need to give and to receive, and the subtle, underhand and little recognised methods of influencing their minds to act according to fear of the loss of a security which, were it truly existent, could never be justified by blind and rote obedience to rigid and unyielding dogma and inflexible authoritarianism.

Human beings need security and justice above all other considerations. These things are not merely wants: they are essential. So what went wrong?

The answers will not come from Rome or from the minds of men who deny reality by promoting “the right to believe”, as such mindset is unable to work out the contradiction of such a statement, which equates to “the right to remain blind”. Take off the blinkers if you want to see around you, instead of blindly following the blind, for this is what has been done, both to us, and by us, as we both lead and are led by example. It’s time to wake up and smell and taste reality…but no, we don’t “believe” we need that, do we? More contradiction.

It’s very sad to see all this misery and confusion, but the fact still remains that nothing will change for the better until the wines of confusion wear off, as the mind, both individual and collective, will not be ready to see clearly until then.

We don’t need more “visions”, as that’s what we blindly followed. We don’t need more blind faith, as that’s what got us here. We don’t need many things that we have already so dearly mortgaged ourselves for, or perhaps I might venture to say, “prostituted” ourselves for, for that is what we have indeed done.

What we do need to do is to clean up our act and behave with some form of reason and self respect, which will not be found either in the bottom of a beer glass or bowing to fanciful and unfathomable tenets, and by the paying of heed to mumblings and mutterings to unseen and unsupportable powers. The Straight and Narrow Path is always there, but you have to understand that it has to be walked upon, and it offers no “forgiveness”, which is another of those platitudinous words that appears all so frequently where the need to make excuses for bad behaviour is required.

Denis McGowan

6th Degree in The Way

Modern Man

See the modern man of fashion,

A man of poor taste, with reason in ration.

A busy man, who wants not employment,

Seeking only riches and mindless enjoyment.

A man who squanders his time and treasures,

Drunken joys spent on unspeakable pleasures.

Goes to Church and pays close attention,

His sexual pursuits too low to mention.

In drunken stupor, tasteless to dress, and pointless in play,

His worthless life is just thrown away.

No mind to hold an opinion of his own,

Inadequacy covered with a disdainful tone.

He looks down on all that his eyes can see,

From his false world appears polite, his friends and he.

Taught by the actor and the low, his smiles how to sell,

Even taught how to write and taught how to spell.

How great the blank verses that he painfully makes,

With empty head copies others’ mistakes.

Customs and fashion copied, his only rule,

Lives a chimp, and dies a fool.

Passed through life, no notice of harm,

Not even the sense to feel any alarm.

Bob Crosbie


The Compass Needle



See the compass needle swinging,

To the World’s magnetic field.

As o’er the seas of life you’re sailing,

Check your course, and never yield.


To the north there lies a demon,

‘Evil’ is this demon’s name.

To the south, the Lord of Goodness,

Sail you south from whence you came.



To the West, another demon,

Hate is named where sets the Sun.

To the east lives Lady Love,

In whose womb all life’s begun.



To the Nor’ Nor’ West, a lesser demon,

From his loins much pain is born.

To the Sou’ Sou’ West lies Charity,

With the gently nature of a fawn.


To the Nor’ Nor’ East sad Sorrow lies,

And Sou’ Sou’ East lies Joy.

Take care life’s compass, watch her well,

Don’t treat her like a childish toy.


Swing about and check your heading,

As you sail life’s fickle sea.

Only you can chart your course,

Whilst sailing into destiny.


© R. G. Crosbie 28.12.1981

So What's it all About?

So, what is this thing called life? What does it all add up to? What's it all about? Is it about living, or is it about death? Is there a future for it, never mind a point?
When you're very young you're taught all sorts of things, mainly to do with nothing tangible. You are taught to believe in all things that are beyond belief; Father Christmas, the Tooth Fairy. They appear to be harmless, don't they?
Slowly, religion is introduced. The virgin birth and the baby Jesus. Stories about his life and his death. None of them true, but fascinating none the less. They stick in your imagination, and in such a manner is your subconscious mind accessed, and from there a little at a time your whole mind is affected and controlled. All appears to confuse, so they tell you to have faith. Faith in what? And why faith? “You must believe in something”, they say. Why? Why not know for sure, instead of just believe?
Better to know surely? But if you question, you're a bad person. Jesus won't love you and you'l go to Hell when you die. You do not question what the priest says. You will have blind belief if you're a good person, and if you haven't got blind faith and belief, then you're on your way to Hell. You're five years old and still wet behind the ears, and they are threatening you with death and damnation that goes even beyond death, and for all eternity.
You're too young to be anything at this point, but innocent, yet they threaten you with burning in Hell if you don't do as you're told. No wonder that there are so many wet beds.
And what are you told? “Don't tell lies. It's sinful, and you will go to Hell.” What about Father Christmas then? Now who's going to Hell?
If Father Christmas turns out to be just a childish story, then what about God? I've never seen him and he never answered my prayers. So is that just another lie? Is that what religious life's about? Lies, deceit and skulduggery?
Perhaps religion is really about love instead? They tell you that it is. Now that would be nice, but people seem to want to keep killing each other over it and because of it, so where's the love? It all appears to be expediency to me,”the standard menu for all occasion sort of thing. Close your eyes, close your mind, and believe. “The Lord works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform.” That covers it all and makes things as clear a mud. But don't question them, or Hell awaits.
It appears that if they cheat someone then it's not wrong; it's business. If you cheat them, then it's dishonest, and the bankers have their policies cast in stone. All's well as long as no one knows and you don't get caught.
You make a contract with a bank and they can change the goalposts whenever they like, and you're stuck with whatever they throw at you. You get told that it's the bank's ‘policy’. What about your policy? Well you're not allowed to have one, so hard cheese. All for your own good of course. Could you imagine what would happen if ordinary people had the same rights in agreements as Bankers? Could you just imagine going into a bank and asking the banker for his address, date of birth, his salary, and does he own his house? He'd throw a fit if you asked for collateral before handing over your money. Yet is seems fair to me. If he wants such information etc., before he gives you someone else's money, then why shouldn't you be entitled to the same when you give him your money?

Hold on a minute! Usury is considered a “mortal sin”. So how come the Vatican owns a bank and most bankers are Christian, and wouldn't get the job if they weren't? They have to appear in Church on Sunday, because it gives the general public ‘confidence'. The stench of hypocrisy here.

All the things that they say are either just wrong or actually sinful. Sex is wrong and sinful, yet look at what the priests do. “Suffer the little children to come onto me”, said this guy they call Jesus, that loves us all. He said that it would be better if a millstone be placed around your neck and that you be cast into the sea than harm a little child. Where are all the millstones now? Maybe they have used them all up and not told me?
More expedient lies, or perhaps they are ‘special' and it doesn't count in their case? Obviously the priests don't believe what they preach, if their behaviour is anything to go by, so why do they expect us to? Perhaps it's a matter of “Don't do as I do. Do as I say”? Then there's their power, at all costs.
Do you know that perversion, from a scientific point of view, is complete? It affects all your thinking, not just your sexual urges or preference. So what does that say about the priesthood and all the other sodomites that run our country, and therefore our lives? What does that say about us, that haven't the guts to stand up and say, “enough is enough”?
Bankers are supposed to be honest men. That's why we are supposed to be able to trust them so much. Look what they've done. Everybody's lost their pensions and now they're back on TV, advertising their “expertise in pension plans”!!! How's that for sheer neck? Not a sign of shame.

They've dumped on us from a great height, stolen our money, legally of course, and now they come back to rub it in. Guess what? People are taking out pension plans with them again. Who's mad here, them or us?
The Roman Catholic Church wants and expects its members to pay in order to cover the compensation to those abused as children. Do they really hold their membership in such contempt? Do they really consider you all to be so stupid? It appears so.

It was said today on TV that we need the “moral guidance” of the Church of Rome. Who the hell do they think that they are, offering moral guidance to anyone? To sodomise, sexually and physically abuse helpless children in their care, is the lowest, dirtiest, foulest, most vile, most immoral and evil thing any one can perform. There is nothing more immoral. Yet they still have the face to pretend to be the ultimate authority on the subject of morality. They're laughing at us, such is the level of their power over the populace, and their confidence in their clever brainwashing, mind bending tactics.
So what's this thing called life all about? Abuse? Cheating? Stealing? Perversion? Murder? What? All that appears to be good about this existence seems contaminated by religious and political parasites. All aspects of our lives are conducted and controlled by hypocrites, sodomites and every evil thing that the religious and political leaders can come up with.
In fairness though, the politicians are all controlled by the independent bankers and the Church. If the independent bankers don't like a politician, he won't get elected, and if he inadvertently makes it into government, he or she won't be there for long. The unseen kings who manipulate and bully to get what they want usually do make it. And what do they want? Why, everything of course. Hitler is dead, but there are plenty more like him to fill his boots.
Where does that leave you and me? It leaves us between a rock and a hard place, and soon they will take away your rock, or start to rent it to you, if you don't look out! They are about to take away all cash and replace it with plastic cards. Digital money is all you will have, and they will have full control over that for obvious reasons. If you argue¾ you bad evil person¾ then your card will be stopped. You won't be able to buy food, or anything. The Church will own your mind, and probably your arse, as they seem to like them; especially little boy's arses.
Politicians will have full control over all your actions by use of secret police and the army; and the bankers will own everything else. This will include seeds to grow your food under licence of conglomerates, who have copyright on the cellular structure of modified food plants and, thus allowing them to have complete control over all your food. Think about it.
You will even be denied medical treatments and a house to live in. You will have nothing; and so far you don't know or realize what the type of nothing really is. You won't even be able to own your own thoughts, as free speech will be fatal, because it will be illegal.
So what's it all about then? More to the point, what's it going to be about? Slavery or serfdom? Take your pick.

Bob Crosbie

Rules Concerning Death of Way followers

1. When death comes, the ancient rules are that the body must be buried before the sun rises twice.

2. The body shall be wrapped, or placed in a coffin.

3. It may or may not be embalmed.

4. The body shall be placed on its back, with arms folded and right leg over left, according to tradition, so that the deceased shall always be known as a follower.

5. An ordinary member who is not in good standing may not be buried closer to a Caulbearer than ten body lengths.

6. A Caulbearer who is not in good standing shall be buried ten body lengths from all followers, to demonstrate his or her shame. They shall not be honoured after burial.

7. Mourners' feelings shall always be taken into account regardless of the circumstances, or others’ feelings regarding the deceased.

8. It was the custom that a rod was driven through the heart at the graveside to ensure that the person was in fact dead. (Better to be spiked than buried alive. Hence the idea in the story of Dracula) Though it is not necessary in modern times, it is nonetheless acceptable if preferred by the deceased. A pistol or rifle shot will also suffice.

9. A statement of his or her position in The Way shall be given. An account of special deeds and generosities shall be given by the highest degree present; preferably not by a family member for modesty’s sake, but it is acceptable if there is no one else available.

10. Suitable verses may be recited, read, or favorite songs may be sung.

11. Some of his or her words may be read or recited, and reminiscences may help the mourners in their time of grief.

12. No slight or rebuke against the deceased shall be uttered.

13. Appropriate words of the True Wisdom may be read, to remind others of their purpose.

14. The Covenant should be read over the open grave.

15. The body must be buried no less than what is now measured at three feet below the surface, and covered with stones for protection. Should the depth be deeper; then the stones are not necessary.

16. The body of a Caulbearer shall be honored by placing stones upon the grave from the time of the last spouse's demise. It shall be done every time anyone comes close to the grave. Such shall be done in honor of the deceased and his or her deeds.

17. A marker should be raised above the grave giving a record of degrees and titles attained by the deceased.

18. More than one body may be buried in the grave, such a wives or children who are followers. They may be buried either beside or above.

19. Any who are not followers of The Way may not be buried within a follower’s grave; other than a spouse or child of the deceased.

20. Relatives shall visit the grave to give honour at the anniversaries and at Solstices unless they are within three days of each other.

21. Cremation is acceptable to all, but Caulbearers and the body of a Caulbearer shall be held as sacred, and must not be defiled.

22. The burial gardens shall be maintained by the followers of The Way, either directly by labour, or by the giving of donations. All must participate, lest their good standing be compromised.

I have been asked why Caulbearers must not be cremated. The answer is simply so that people who follow The Way have a grave which is a marked place, where they can go to in order to contemplate the life of the Caulbearer and follow the example of that life.

If it was a good life then they can learn what to do. If however the Caulbearer was a bad person, then they can also learn, but they may learn what not to do, which is equal in importance to that which they must do. Mankind must know and understand both. Therefore the sayings, wisdom and actions of the Caulbearer and all the other Caulbearers, especially the six gone before, can be contemplated in the presence of their earthly remains during man’s endless search for true enlightenment.

Unfortunately, in their efforts to destroy The Way, other religions have destroyed the graves of the six, but not the graves of all Caulbearers, as in their latter years they have failed to understand what the piles of stones are all about.

I have even seen Christian crosses placed on the megalithic tomb sites, so that people will think in some perverse way that they were Christian, or at least associated with them in some way, in the hope that they may profit in some way. I cannot help wondering what they would say or do if we placed pentacles on their cemeteries. Yet, to illustrate the ignorance, stupidity and conceit of them, you will find pentacles in nearly every church in the Christian world, along with dozens of other symbols of The Ancient Way.

By the way, in case you are wondering why I use the word Ancient, it is to differentiate between other uses of the words by modern usurpers, such as Christian groups, modern Taoists and others who have take the Ancient Way or Tao and its teachings and perverted them. They have done this in order to give credence to, make up, or invent their religions and reinforce their false beliefs in the eyes of the ignorant.

Way thought for 1st October 2011


Even the finest laws are not The Way itself. Even the finest name is insufficient to define The Way. Without words, The Way can yet be experienced within, and without a name, it can still be known. To conduct one’s life according to the spirit of The Way is to conduct one’s life without regret, raising no cause. To realise that unique potential within oneself , is a benefit to all mankind.

Birth – Introducing the Newborn

Bring the child before the community for introduction, so that they may be known, and that all followers be aware of their individual and collective acceptance of responsibility towards this new member of the wider family of The Way.

All members, wherever they may be in the world, and regardless of any other thing, are held to be both father and mother to every child born within The Way, and of any who enter The Way. They must protect them and, if and whenever necessary, they must clothe them, house them with the same love, affection, and with the same sacrifice that they would for their own children. They must keep watch for their well-being at all times.

Any fear of deprivation, abuse, or even the slightest problem that any such child may have, is their responsibility, and they must view it as such, and act on the child’s behalf, ensuring their safety, health, happiness, education and well-being, without consideration of costs or effort required in such pursuit. Any person who does not live up to this to the letter, with all reason, common sense and logic, is not of The Way, and shall be abandoned.

A ceremony shall be held as soon as is practical, and all members within the region are expected to attend. Should it not be possible to attend at that particular time, they shall however attend as soon as possible.

Take this matter more seriously and conscientiously than any other.

False Shepherds

Those soulless clerics squatting in their stolen place,

Believed good lights of the world which they created,

Considered to be shining stars and leaders to this sacred human race.

As homosexuals, you forsake your imagined god's believed commands,

Still stay prodigious and always viewed with fear,

Shamelessly and with ease, you wash your putrid hands.

Your effigies and statues baneful influence, being but an evil dream.

You just mouth words that are untrue, to speak and place the real,

The truthful Christ, to serve your evil in extreme.

Oh laugh or mourn this lowered state of all mankind with me,

The actions of this gang of sodomites, of paedophilic priest.

The humble priest from the Roman gangster take his well protected cue,

And Paul the sodomite, they shall well be pleased, to quote him too.

He takes the human field to muster in his faith-believing pack,

Cries “Thy will be done!” whilst on sodomised children's pain,

The Roman gangster turns his holy back.

Is this his well-preached sanctity to salvation’s sured place?

Is this the priest whose word takes all mankind to favoured grace?

Is this the well marked, accepted way, for papal bliss,

Himself a wanderer from that narrow way,

His silly sheep with not enough reason left to wonder, question, or to stray?

Regardless of the things this evil band,

Their wrongs commit against the children of the believing horde,

On Sundays Mass still carries on with countless bums on seats,

To lend support to this defiling Church,

Their lack of reason bidding them to yet “support” each head,

Like an apple that's been well cored.

Devoid of self control, devoid of balances, or of reason,

Brainwashed into unreasoned belief, perchance for all of mankind's future season.

The sacred function believed by fools, by man’s evil hand itself was made,

Sacrilege the function of these priests; and abuse of children has always been,

And shall always stay, their favoured, chosen trade.

© R.G. Crosbie 17th February 2010

Spirituality..what it is

Before placing oneself on the spiritual road of the follower of the Hallowed Caul, or The Way, it is necessary to realise that all spirituality must be separated from religion and religious beliefs. This is because all religion is based on myth and the dogmatic belief that faith and beliefs are fact, which they are not.

Spirituality is real, and based only within the reality of the certainty of fact. Too many people firmly ‘believe’ that spirituality is about religion, because thy have been taught to ‘believe’ this to be so. Religious spirituality is fantasy based on nothing that is real. It has been separated at some distance within the human mind from reason or logic.

You are a spirit with a body. You are a mixture of animal instincts and humanity. Your humanity controls your animal, or base instincts; this being all that separates you from the lower animals. This doesn’t just mean cats, dogs, lions and tigers etc. as it also means men and women without a sufficient amount of humanity to control their base animal desires and instincts, who look human, but behave like beasts. Such people are usually controlled by self-interest and fear of retribution, and not, unfortunately, by any humanity within them. And because of this fact, which you can experience every day, so many so-called human beings are in reality just beasts of the very lowest order, so often totally lacking the humanity that is necessary to makes a real and complete human.

The spirit of man cannot be found, no matter how hard you look for it. You can open up the human skull and dissect the brain, and you will neither find a picture or a single thought. These things are not evident to the eye, yet we know that they are there, because we all experience them every day. You may ask about the realities of death, because you hope that you will live in some paradise or other after death. Yet again, this is the promise of religious leaders. For example, at most Christian funerals they will mention the “Sure and certain hope of the resurrection of the body”. Just like all things, people never really notice, nor do they even question. If such resurrection is sure, then why the need for hope? If it is certain, again, why faith? And why hope if it is sure and certain? It goes around and around, contradiction upon contradiction.

The body is made of energy, and as energy cannot die, nor can it be destroyed, then the body returns to its elements from which it came. This leaves that spiritual thing that is the real you, that thing that you can’t put your finger on, and no one can actually see it. That is why it was originally called ‘spirit’, as it was considered to be like an ether, a vapour-like form that could be sensed by the mind, but not captured. It too is made of pure energy, and again, energy cannot die or be destroyed, so it must go on in some form or other. But we who follow The Way are not religious, and therefore will not tell you what we believe, but only that which we know for certain and can either demonstrate or prove. You can admit that it’s a good theory, but sadly it’s not yet proven.

You may wonder what is The Way? Jesus followed The Way, and so did his followers after him, so why follow anything else? Unless of course you think that he had it all wrong. Who do you really put your trust in? Unless you follow The Way, which was and is his Way, then certainly not in him. You may profess faith in him, but that remains, however, only from the teeth out, because you don’t practice it. Think about it.

Who and what were you before you were born? Some will say, “Nothing”. But there is no such a thing as nothing, for even nothing is something, so you must have been something. Nothing has consequence, so it can’t be nothing, it must be something. Whatever we are, we are not at all sure. We have our theories, but we don’t know anything factual or provable for sure regarding this question.

When you see pictures of ghosts, as they have been described by people who have seen them, they are usually transparent. Those who are unfortunate enough to be supersensitive, see them in this way. Some may see one in their lifetime, some may never see anything, and many imagine they have seen something. Others lie through their teeth, for their own reasons, such as wanting to appear important, just like a small child attention-seeking. Herein lies the great confusion. Who is lying? Who is imagining things and not capable of recognising the difference? Who is telling the truth? Is it real or is it not? Religions are built on such confusion.

It is my experience that so called ghosts or entities do exist, or I’ve lost my marbles. They are the energy of those now dead to us. It is a fair possibility that there is a parallel world, or perhaps several parallel worlds, with those who do not know that they are dead slipping backwards and forwards.

For instance, how do you know for sure that you are alive? Can you prove it to yourself? Perhaps you are wrong, and you are just a spirit drifting in space imagining all this? Or perhaps you are already dead, reliving your past life over and over again? Then maybe you have never lived at all, and you are just dreaming your way through some spiritual existence? How do we really know? The fact is, we don’t.

Why do you sleep? There is no actual, realistic need for you to sleep, yet we know that if you are deprived of sleep you will die; and sooner than you think. So what’s the point? There is a theory that when you sleep you go back to the source of your energy, to recharge your batteries, for want of a better word for it. Perhaps to dream your way through your many problems, and allow your subconscious mind to work its way through them. But your subconscious has no reason, so we find ourselves back at the starting point.

Have you ever noticed how everything goes round in circles? There is no beginning and there is no end to life; it’s pure energy, and therefore, even though your body effectively rots, it in fact is just going through its natural cycle: back into earth to grow grass for the beasts to eat, and your children or grandchildren to kill the beasts, and eat them at a later date; which in turn feeds their bodies on the energy of the beast, which passes through them in faecal matter. Again, that feeds some thing that in turn feeds something else, that eventually feeds them, and then they in turn die; and on and on it goes, round and round, eternally. At least that’s the way it would be, if we, the so-called human race, the believers in that false belief in our superiority over all things, hadn’t messed it up.

Now what about your spirit? Your thoughts? They are energy too, and in the natural world nothing is ever wasted. So you go round and round, and it’s a fair bet that even this energy is recycled, and sometimes we see it as ghosts; seeing or not seeing, depending on the level of your sensitivity, or perhaps we experience it as some sort of entity, causing chaos or bringing blessings.

Perhaps even space ships with little red men from Mars do exist. Even fairies at the bottom of the garden; and I am not being facetious. Think about it, and it might just start to make sense to you, and make sense of a lot that confuses. It may even confuse more, but it’s a thought, isn’t it? But there is no evidence, so we are not sure, and study is needed, as all good theories have something that makes them worthy of investigation.

As I have said before, we in The Way, both ordinary members and Caulbearers alike, never tell you what we believe. We tell you what we in fact know, and we tell you what we think might be just about right. As we live we learn, but theory is just that, and a starting point for study, and hopefully leading to the discovery of fact. We cast aside all belief, as it colours all that we see, and many people may well see something real, and because it doesn’t suit or agree with what they believe, they cast it aside, and pretend that it’s not there.

If you are a believer or have a faith in any form of religion, you may well have problems living with cold fact as your only comfort. And it is a cold comfort, but you can take it to the bank of life any time and the check won’t bounce. We cannot adjust reality for excuse or humour, so we therefore have little to comfort us, except the methodical gathering of factual knowledge, which some may well see as a kind of religion.

Belief allows excuse, which itself is, by definition, a lie. Should you rather false comfort of belief and faith than cold facts that can justify anything, and should you need to feel that there is a god or gods, angels and the like, looking over you, ready to take you to paradise when you die, and many people do, then pass me by and go your way, for where I go is not for you. Where I lead, few can follow, no matter how sensitive they may ‘believe’ themselves to be.

No matter how intelligent you might think yourself, beware your reason, which is rendered almost useless by the falsity of belief. But, beware more so your lack of reason. Know yourself well before you venture, lest you shall be lost, in a dark place, beyond help; a forlorn place, where none shall ever find you, not even yourself.

To improve, a man or woman must do certain things. I know that I write this a bit too late in my life; and I intended not to write it down at all, as I am instructed, indeed commanded, that I shall give man nothing that might prolong the agony of his undeserved existence. Well, I think personally that agony is what he deserves. I am well aware that it’s too late for many of him as I write. He or she is so often blinded by what the think that they know. That alone renders it too late for most of them to learn at this point, to become worthy of life, by adjusting their ideas of life, and of its real and actual value.

Belief creates war, and the first causality of any war is always truth. Each religion professes truth as if they own it and hold all rights to it. Yet each preaches something different. Even in the same religion, sects differ in what they choose to believe. Remember, that you don’t know that you don’t know, what you don’t know. Seek facts, and all shall become evident. Believe, and live only in the darkness of your own confusions. Knowledge, alone, can save you.

Bob Crosbie

24th February 2010

By The Way

By The Way, and one way alone,

Earth’s silent message to man shall be known.

Waiting till death shall darken his eyes,

On silent wings, his end emphasise,

And in stress interpret, with knowledge lessed,

Shall be guided by fear in the heaving breast.

And the thunder shall roar, o’er a raging sea,

As man worships in vain, a false deity.

His world wracked with storms, the skies dark above,

The Earth spills her anger, from man’s lack of love,

Her cries shall be heard, on too good summer's day,

Unseasonable frost glint on the meadows of May.

So shall silence be heard, in abandoned seashells,

But man shall still answer false deities' bells.

The Earth shall stand void, her waters burning like flame,

But man shall still whisper false deitie’s name.

Though witness he death, by the green of the tree,

He shall neither know reason nor shall knowledge decree.

Like he with the hammer, who on marble drew,

Engraving the words of that life he knew.

The believers not hearing, loud shouting, “Hail!”,

As into man’s coffin, is firm driven each nail.

Men without spirit, with mind bound in chain,

Shall not hear me, nor see me, and yet shall lay blame.

So I sit, and I watch, with naught I can do,

As each man who cooks, shall eat of this stew.

© R. G. Crosbie 2003