Danger: beware 25.7.2010

It is in the nature of man, as in all beasts, to strive by any means to be the Alpha. The Alphas get the best females or males as well as the best food. He or she gets to lie around a lot, with the lower orders serving their demands, just like bees in a hive. Just like the wealthy ones today, and the less fortunate who don't even know what it's all about. A bitter harvest will be reaped when the lower orders stop believing long enough to open both their eyes and minds, and listen to reason.

The Alpha needs an edge like the leader of a pack of dogs. The most potent edge appears to be claiming to be chosen by a mythical being. Such claims have been made since men sought to rule over their fellow men. Virgin births were claimed and all forms of madness invented to support those who sought absolute power. In this way they ensued that anyone who argued against such belief was dealt with in public in as terrifying a way as possible. Hung drawn and quartered or burned alive, just two methods used until recently, both designed to shock and add vigour to belief. After all, these unfortunate ones are criminals, unlike the ones who burned them and all those who played a part: righteous god-fearing people, one and all. The ultimate deterrent to disagreement, being the idea of an afterlife and the torments promised to be vented upon the disbeliever, or those who dare disobey the big cheese.

A criminal, by the way, is someone who breaks the law. Hitler made laws and so did Stalin; just like every despot in history; and those who rule today are of the same ilk, make no mistake. Law isn't necessarily about justice, nor does it mean that because there is a law that the law is right, never mind just or fair.

Laws degraded Jews to a level somewhere below that of animals, as it did with black people, who became slaves because of such laws. Laws can be made to profit the already wealthy law makers. It can exalt them far above their honest station. Law is power, regardless of the rights or wrongs of that law!

Each different group is ready to defend their god or belief against all comers. If my daddy has a bigger army than your daddy; then we will likely attack, as we don’t want to wait untill your daddy's army is bigger than ours. We will of course win, as the overwhelming numbers ensure victory. To the believer, it will also prove that God was on our side and not yours, so ensuring reinforcement of belief in complete disregard of the obvious. The victor writes the history. Beware what you read.

Between the wars and things created in order to distract our attention away from what's really happening to us, laws such as blasphemy was invented, and is being resurrected in Ireland today. If you say that this god or that god isn't real; you blaspheme. If you voice any opinion other then the opinion required for you to have, you blaspheme. It's light the fires timeb and if you think anything has changed over the centuries, your living in La-la land.

Our modern society is all smoke and mirrors. Our education systems renders us unable to discern between what we actually know and what we only believe that we know.

Chemicals are put into tooth paste that have a sterilizing effect on our women, who are now getting more like men everyday. Even their femininity is being taken from them, but as long as they believe a pretty picture painted in their minds, they don't notice their reality.

Men are becoming feminised and the chemicals are still being put into your food and water, with your vaccines for flu having a sterilizing effect, and damaging your immune system.

You are by now probably reliant on drug companies just to stay alive. Fluoride, which is a rat poison, also has an effect on fertility. It cause fire cracking on your teeth, because it hardens the enamel to much. It causes osteoporosis, but who cares?

Whey are they putting chemicals that have no apparent value apart from a sterilizing effect, especially for females, into our food and water? Could it be that the faceless ones; the Unholy-trio are up to something? It makes you wonder when you consider that they intend do deplete the population of the world by 75 to 80 percent by 2020. Look up the effects of aluminium sulphate. It's use to “purify” your water. Check up on fluoride and just about every additive in your food.

Fluoride Articles:

Aluminium Sulphate:

Why the irradiation of all fruit and veg' in your supermarket, even organic? Profit, that's what it's all about, and sterilization. Who owns the supermarkets anyway? The bankers do. They control the money so they control the policy, whether it's your supermarket of your government. Democracy is dead, that is if it ever actually lived in the first place. America claims to be the land of the free. Look around you, and think.

Blind Belief

The ruin of blind belief is soon at hand.

Live you no longer in her shadow.

She is gathered together by most evil kings,

Who follow her, shall rot with her, both bone and marrow.

Deep into the dark abyss of false belief,

Where injustice, lies, unfathomable greed and pain abide,

Where unjust law bears down with no relief.

Deep, where man’s shame may safely hide.

The wickedness of our societies with lust for power is led,

The drive for wealth, unbridled power, the favoured throne.

From such fouled stable shall mankind ere seek a better bed,

Soon the ego and stupidity of kings shall ensure its own.


Lead on you donkeys: bray, for your just reward is close to hand.

Your putrid secret ways to bend men's minds shall soon be known.

Closer than you think, you stand condemned by your own evil hand.

May even all of man be lost midst the horrors of your own atomic cone.

Sweet reason must abide where ere the sun shall show her light,

Her daily altered course runs ignorant of man’s self catered plight.

Justice must stretch upon each land from shore to shore,

With only truth and justice to be the common rules for ever more.

Till the sun shall neither rise, to set, to shine upon all mankind,

Presumptuous man! sweet reason should you seek and find.

You that are so well formed, yet so weak, with fear pounding in every chest,

First, if you can harder reason, guess, well formed, no weaker, blinder and no less.

Reasoned Light

Retire, and read the Hallowed Book,

The one from whence all books were writ.

Heed you not its later altered states,

That turned its wisdom into shit.

There truths abound, laid out by men so wise,

And do not prize them less because inspired in time long past,

Their truth defiled by soulless men, reducing all they touch to lies.

They show contempt of just commands, to make their exaltation last.

So well inspired those ancient, pregnant pages stood ,

The wonders and the treasures of the Ancient Wise.

If learned and understood by modern man,

Mayest make him ponder, bringing wisdom’s light,

To long blind inner eyes.

Each of us should swear a solemn oath, and never set aside,

To heed the ancient Nazarene, regardless of his recent plight.

That reasoned judgments shall we seek and close abide,

In my esteemed the purest gold,

The clearest, reasoned honour’s light.

R.G. Crosbie


The Ruin of Blind Belief


The ruin of blind belief is soon at hand.

Live you no longer in her shadow.

She is gathered together by most evil kings,

Who follow her, shall rot with her, both bone and marrow.

Deep into the dark abyss of false belief,

Where injustice lies, unfathomable greed and pain abide,

Where unjust law bears down with no relief,

Deep, where man’s shame may safely hide.

The wickedness of our societies, with lust for power is led.

The drive for wealth, unbridled power the favoured throne,

From such fouled stable shall mankind ere seek a better bed,

Soon the ego and stupidity of kings shall ensure its own.

Lead on you donkeys; bray, for your just reward is close to hand,

Your putrid secret ways to bend men's minds shall soon be known.

Closer than you think, you stand condemned by your own evil hand,

May even all of man be lost midst the horrors of your own atomic cone.

Sweet reason must abide where ere the sun shall show her light,

Her daily altered course runs ignorant of man’s self-catered plight.

Justice must stretch upon each land from shore to shore,

With only truth and justice to be the common rules for ever more.

Till the sun shall neither rise, to set, to shine upon all mankind,

Presumptuous man! …sweet reason should you seek and find.

You that are so well formed, yet so weak,

With fear pounding in every chest,

First, if you can harder reason, guess;

Well formed, no weaker, blinder and no less.

Copyright R.G. Crosbie


In Vain we Seek

In vain we seek a heaven above the skies,

So follow priests whose words we know are lies.

This world has false, though flattering charms,

That shan’t be found in any priest-like arms.

Life's distant joys show big in our esteem,

Man values nothing like his own, his heartfelt dream.

Dreams that lessen as they draw closer to the eye,

In man’s embrace, his favored dream must surely die,

And when we grasp, we lose the pleasing dream,

Returning sadly to a silent, inner scream,

When will mankind ere understand,

Real change lies there, within his hand?




Reason and Belief

In religious circles, within the minds of the considered and believed reasonable, there is no reason. Reason is only believed to exist within their minds, with no evidence of fact, apart from the fact that they believe reason to be present.

Reason cannot be believed to be present, as belief is designed to override reason, and neuters the ability to reason. Therefore it is logical that if you really believe that you are a reasonable person, then you can’t be.

If however you are non-religious, and you don’t believe in anything, but instead seek fact, then your lack of belief sets your mind free so that it can reason, but only as far as previous beliefs still rooted in the deep subconscious that you may or may not be aware of, allow.

From the Great Masters’ Sayings

And the Ancient Master said, “Many eons ago man was where he is now, and he had invented gods, and so, belief in that which is beyond belief. He invented great weapons of war, so that the could be king of all that there is. Such was his conceit. His knowledge was great, but his stupidity was greater; and so did he destroy. He did destroy not only that which man sought to possess, but all that there was that sustained man. And so did he die to the last few scattered generations.

The ice covered all the earth except for a small part, and mankind and a few beasts and plants managed to survive. They survived in differing guises. Some had light skin and small jaws, whilst some had very dark skin and heavy jaws. Some had round eyes and some had slitted eyes.

Then each departed to different parts of the earth as the ice melted, so that they might survive better. And so did The Way regain its importance and its meaning. Its meaning in those times was evident, and none could deny its wisdom.

Then mankind grew, and again became powerful; and so did he again invent gods and demons. He did so to spread fear amongst his kind, with their fear of that which they did not understand. Some claimed the favour of these imaginary gods, and spread fear, and did great evil amongst their fellow man.

And mankind grew, and his cousins amongst the lower orders grew, and all other beasts grew, until mankind sought to populate to whole earth. Unfortunately he wanted to populate, but he also wanted to own all that there was, and only afford lease to all other men and all other beasts. The beast was in him, as it was before in previous times; and so did he seek to be king of all.

Some men grew in power and others who knew of The Way grew in true wealth, which is wisdom. This led to wars, as the knowledgeable ones struck fear into the hearts and minds of those who only believed in what they knew was not so. They feared that the lowly ones might listen to them, and follow reason.

Those with knowledge grew in power in spite of all the efforts of lesser men who had the force of mindless armies. Then it came to pass that the lesser men proclaimed The Way as evil, and blamed all the negative things on those who followed it. In this manner did they make laws, and used those who followed invented gods to rise and to kill all that they could, and believe it good. To them it seemed a clever thing to do, because they were so stupid that they knew no better. And so did it go until they destroyed the world once more.

And again did mankind rise; and for the last time. The Great Force had rearranged the firmament so than Caulbearers were then born. The Force of Life separated them, so that seven superior ones could be born, and teach them The Way. They were to be sent at intervals, where man might have gaind reason.

Alas it was all useless, for man did not know reason, and his interest in acquiring reason also rendered reason to him as useless. And so shall it be for these poor generations. even where set in the Crystal Halls and the six were not listened to. Man is not likely to hear until the seventh; and even then it is unlikely. Alas; it looks bad for mankind again, as he is still deaf to all except his own howling. The earth shall again destroy this creature till he is no more, unless he harkens and takes serious note.

I shall go to my grave as you shall go onto yours, but mankind thinks that he has earned the right to live forever. Even in some false paradise after he is dead does he still seek to live. He threw away that right when he bent his knee to false belief, and his head to false priests.

The life of the Seventh may be well spent, but it looks as if mankind only wants greatness, even if only in his own eyes and in his stupid amusements. He does not concern himself with death. Alas, death shall concern itself with him; and it shall do so with all of him.

Go brother; and do all that you can reasonably do; and reproach thyself not for the shortcoming of man, for he has so many.

Way thought for the day 4.5.2010

With wise administrators, all can exist in unity, each with the other. No man need feel that he exists only as the shadow of his brilliant brother. All may be contented. Through conduct not contrived for gain, awareness of the hallowed teachings of The Way may be maintained. This is how its mysteries may be found and resolved.


Stupidity is your own fault; and it is a fault, and it is yours. Therefore no one else should be made to feel responsible for someone else’s stupidity, their lack of knowledge, or their fear of any change that their improvement might bring about.

To lack knowledge has been thought to be due to your being ignorant. And this is correct, because if you choose to ignore whatever knowledge is around you, you then shall lack in that knowledge.

The saying that he or she is ignorant, is said in such a way as to be purely demeaning, and to suggest that you are in some way beneath par as a human being, whilst in fact suggesting something else, and being correct in direct interpretation. Interpretation can be direct, or it can be altered in order to make whatever you look at, look like something else.

To lack knowledge has been considered to be someone else's fault. “I could not finish school….” for whatever excuse etc. “We were poor”, etc.” Ignorance is purely a choice, made by cretins with no wish to be informed, and stupid enough to think that they are.

People who live in the same place all their lives, are unlikely to have any knowledge outside their place. They nevertheless consider that they know all there is to know. They remain oblivious to that which they don’t know. They think that what they know is all there is to know, for they are limited by lack of experience, as their minds have never been stretched. Their minds, outlook and horizons are therefore shrunk in order to fit that small place, limited by those often self-imposed, close horizons. Their outlook becomes blind to anything that they do not know, and therefore what they don’t know does not exist for them; their chosen lack of knowledge therefore preventing them from understanding; their conceit allowing them to believe that they know all there is to know; and that they fully understand even that of which they cannot possibly conceive, because of their limitations created by their small, tightly bounded environments.

A man has no knowledge of that which he does not know. He is oblivious of what there is to be known when he has no knowledge of its existence. In other words, you don't know that you don't know, what you don't know.

Knowledge is gained slowly, and is sharpened by age, experience and time. The learning of one more thing, no matter how small, allows us to expand beyond our previous horizons. We do not appreciate sight because we have never been blind. Neither do we appreciate knowledge or experience that we have never known or experienced. But then again, mankind appreciates little that requires effort of thought.