Sometimes one is strong, and sometimes weak, sometimes healthy, and sometimes in poor health; sometimes is first, and at other times behind. The wise follower of The Way does not try to change the world by force, for he knows that force results in like force. He avoids extremes and excesses, yet does not become complacent. The external world is fragile, and he who meddles with its natural way, risks causing damage to himself, for he is not apart nor above consequence.
Way thought for the day 19.2.2011
Be aware that it is natural for things to change, sometimes being ahead, sometimes behind. There are times when even breathing may be difficult, whereas its natural state is easy.
Way thought for the day 18.2.2011
By retaining the integrity of the inner and external worlds, true selfhood is maintained, and the inner world made fertile. The external world is fragile, and he who meddles with its natural way risks causing damage to himself. Self-appraisal is poor appraisal that leads to harm. Should one seek his own answers without due guidance, because of his own base ego, when he tries to grasp it, he shall thereby lose it.
Way thought for the day 15.2.2011
Whilst developing creativity, one should also cultivate receptivity. Retain the mind like that of a child, which flows like running water, questioning as it flows.
Way thought for the day 14.2.2011
Although he may dwell in a grand estate, simplicity remains his guide, for he is full aware that losing his station, his roots as well would disappear. So he is not restless, lest he loses the natural way. Similarly, the people’s leader is not flippant in his role, nor restless, for these could cause the loss of his roots, and the point of his leadership.
Way thought for the day 13.2.2011
The natural way is the way of the follower of these precepts. They serve as his dwelling place, providing his centre and focus deep within, whether in his home or journeying. Even when he travels far, he is not separate from his own true nature. Maintaining awareness of natural beauty, he still does not forget his purpose, which is the Great Purpose.
Way thought for the day 7.2.2011
Act with honour, but retain humility. By acting according to The Way of the Almighty Force of The All, set others an example.
Way thought for the day 6.2.2011
When considering any thing, do not lose its opposite. When thinking of the finite, do not forget infinity.
Way thought for the day 4.2.2011
Knowing that virtue may grow from example, this is the way in which the Caulbearers teach, abandoning no one who stops to listen. Thus, from experience of the Caulbearers, all might learn, and so might gain. There is mutual respect twixt teacher and pupil, for, without respect, there would be void and confusion.
Way thought for the day 3.2.2011
The sage follows The Way, which is the natural way, doing what is required of him. Like an experienced tracker, he leaves no tracks; like a good speaker, his speech is fluent. He makes no error, so needs no tally; like a good door which needs no lock, as he is open when it is required of him, and closed at other times, remaining accessible; like a good binding, he is secure, without the need of borders.