EMU plot curdles as creditors seize Cyprus gold reserves


Photo and article credit The Telegraph

First they purloin the savings and bank deposits in Laiki and the Bank of Cyprus, including the working funds of the University of Cyprus, and thousands of small firms hanging on by their fingertips.

Then they seize three quarters of the country's gold reserves, making it ever harder for Cyprus to extricate itself from EMU at a later date.

The people of Cyprus first learned about this from a Reuters leak of the working documents for the Eurogroup meeting on Friday.

It is tucked away in clause 29. “Sale of excess gold reserves: The Cypriot authorities have committed to sell the excess amount of gold reserves owned by the Republic. This is estimated to generate one-off revenues to the state of €400m via an extraordinary payout of central bank profits.”

This seemed to catch the central bank by surprise. Officials said they knew nothing about it. So who in fact made this decision?

Cypriots are learning what it means to be a member of monetary union when things go badly wrong. The crisis costs have suddenly jumped from €17bn to €23bn, and the burden of finding an extra €6bn will fall on Cyprus alone.

The government expects the economy to contract 13pc this year as full austerity bites. Megan Greene from Maverick Intelligence fears it could be a lot worse.

She says the crisis has reached the point where it would be “less painful” for Cyprus to seek an “amicable divorce” from the eurozone and break free.

Quite so, and while we're at it, lets seek an amicable divorce for everybody, for Portugal, for Ireland, for Spain, for Italy, and above all for Germany, since they are all being damaged in different ways by the infernal Project. All are victims of their elites.

It is an interesting question why Cyprus has been treated more harshly than Greece, given that the eurozone itself set off the downward spiral by imposing de facto losses of 75pc on Greek sovereign debt held by Cypriot banks.

And, furthermore, given that these banks were pressured into buying many of those Greek bonds in the first place by the EU authorities, when it suited the Eurogroup.

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Usury - a vile thing

“It is true to say that bankers are usurers, and are assured to maintain the public interest at the highest possible level; especially the compound type.”

Brotherhood of Nazarenes

Link to article…

Jesus said, “If you have money, do not lend it at interest, but give it to one who will put it to work for you and for him, each in fair share. Usury is a vile thing.”

“You shall not lend upon the evil of usury: not for food, not for houses, not for land. Instead, you shall give them use for a section of the profit thereof to no more than one third. And one fourth in the profit from any vessels you shall own, shall you divide with the crew that shall man the vessels. And so shall you do likewise in all similar things. Share fairly, and suffer not any to live in poverty, neither of body nor of mind.”


Cyprus-Style Bank Account Confiscation Is In The New Canadian Government Budget



Photo and article credit http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com


The politicians of the western world are coming after your bank accounts. In fact, Cyprus-style “bail-ins” are actually proposed in the new Canadian government budget. When I first heard about this I was quite skeptical, so I went and looked it up for myself. And guess what? It is right there in black and white on pages 144 and 145 of “Economic Action Plan 2013” which the Harper government has already submitted to the House of Commons. This new budget actually proposes “to implement a ‘bail-in’ regime for systemically important banks” in Canada. “Economic Action Plan 2013” was submitted on March 21st, which means that this “bail-in regime” was likely being planned long before the crisis in Cyprus ever erupted. So exactly what in the world is going on here? In addition, as you will see below, it is being reported that the European Parliament will soon be voting on a law which would require that large banks be “bailed in” when they fail. In other words, that new law would make Cyprus-style bank account confiscation the law of the land for the entire EU. I can’t even begin to describe how serious all of this is. From now on, when major banks fail they are going to bail them out by grabbing the money that is in your bank accounts. This is going to absolutely shatter faith in the banking system and it is actually going to make it far more likely that we will see major bank failures all over the western world.


What you are about to see absolutely amazed me when I first saw it. The Canadian government is actually proposing that what just happened in Cyprus should be used as a blueprint for future bank failures up in Canada.

The following comes from pages 144 and 145 of “Economic Action Plan 2013” which you can find right here. Apparently the goal is to find a way to rescue “systemically important banks” without the use of taxpayer funds…

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As forewarned in the prophecy of Jesus the Christ, but as usual, no one wanted to listen or know….

“The moneychangers and the usurers shall cry out in despair of their trade, and will offer you and the Lamb ransom to change your course. Turn your back upon them, for they know only evil; and misery is their trade among men. And they know what evil they do: for they lust after the fruits of gold, and do no labour. They grow not, yet they reap; and sow only the seeds of slavery for their own gain; and harden their hearts as does the common harlot, against all things that are right among men.