You that suffer from the tribulations of life, you that have to struggle and endure, you that yearn for a life of knowledge, of logic, of reason and of truth, rejoice at the glad tidings. There shall be balm for the wounded, and there shall be bread for the hungry. There shall be water for the thirsty, and hope for the despairing. There shall be light for those in darkness, and inexhaustible blessing for the upright of heart and of mind.
Heal your wounds, you wounded, and eat your fill, you hungry. Rest, you weary; and you who are thirsty quench your thirst in this vast lake of wisdom that is fed from the spring of the Brotherhood of Nazarenes. Look up to the light, you that sit in darkness; be full of good cheer, you that are forlorn.
Trust in truth, you that love the truth, for the kingdom of The Way is founded upon earth. The darkness of wrongs and of all evil is dispelled by the light of honest truth. We can see our way and take firm and certain steps. We shall no longer slip, nor shall we fall. The Buddha, our Lord, has revealed the truth. The truth is reason, and reason is The Way.
From the Hallowed Book of Man