As silence cannot be taught or heard, emptiness cannot be thought; neither can it be felt. The Way is not mysterious, yet it is just as real as your senses and the thoughts of your mind.
Way thought for the day, 16th January, 2012
The Twelve Laws
The second of the Twelve Laws, as with all of them, is preceded with the words, “First, do no harm…
No man shall kill without good reason; not man, beast nor green thing, that which flies or lives in water, even that which is harmful. All things have their purpose.
Way thought for the day,15th January 2012
The Twelve Laws
The first of the Twelve Laws, as with all of them, is preceded with the words, “First, do no harm…
Honour the Seven Responsibilities of Man as laid down. Alter not, interpret not: they are as they are.
Way thought for the day, 8th January 2012
People don't fear the fact that they don't know anything. Instead, they only fear that others may know that they don't. So they just pretend to know; and hope that no one will notice. They think that if no one says anything, that no one has noticed.
Way thought for the day 7th January 2012
There is an old tale about a man who, while out in the forest, met a old man. The old man was considered to be a very wise magician. They talked about right and wrong, Heaven and Hell, and so the old man asked him if he would like to visit these places while he was still alive. He was all for it; and so the magician firstly took him down to Hell, so that he could look around.
Upon arrival he saw before him a long table loaded with food. The people sitting at the table were starving. They were screaming in agony. The cause of this suffering was because they had very long handled spoons. The spoons were so long that they couldn't reach their mouths. Their punishment was their frustration, not just the hunger.
The magician then took him to Paradise. Again there was a long table loaded with food. They had the same long spoons and yet they were well fed and happy and contented. He asked the magician why this was. Surely they couldn't reach their mouths either? Yet they were happy, well fed and contented.
The magician looked at the man and said to him, “These are good men and women. They do not practice greed, or envy. They know that they can’t live without giving support to their neighbour; and so they follow The Way, and feed each other”.
Let this be a lesson to all who follow The Way. Feed each other and you will survive. Don't, and you will starve.
Starvation of the mind, which is ignorance, causes a destructive weakness. This base weakness lends itself in assistance to the physical destruction of the body. This is because the mind controls all; and so the mind feeds the body. It not only destroys through the method of such base thinking. It also helps to destroy everything and everyone that the base thinker relies upon for his or her own survival.
Way thought for the day 6th January 2012
Do not confuse coincidence with evidence.
Way thought for the day 5th January 2012
If what you want to say will give unnecessary offence, don't say it. To say to someone, “I don't want to give offence…” and then carry on and do that thing, what does it say about that person?
Way thought for the day 4th January 2012
Beware you those who say that they represent a god on Earth; that they have the ears of a god. Throughout all time no god has even shown himself, by deed, by word; not by sighting. Alas, it is true to say that considering the stupidities of men that do so much harm and cause so much pain, no god could exist.
Extract from The Hallowed Book of Man
Way thought for the day 3rd January 2012
And all shall come to pass that many shall only believe and not follow The Way nor contemplate upon the star nor the circle about the star nor the points of the star, nor the centre, which is as the hub of a wheel, nor all the meaning thereof. And all to such men shall be unreason, and though they shall have learned much they shall still believe; and so they shall know of no thing.
Way thought for the day 2nd January 2012
Remember well that knowledge is to be consumed and also digested and never shall it, nor can it, ever be excreted from you.