Way thought for the day – 25.5.2011


It is the way of sickness to shun the merciful, and to acclaim only heroic deeds, to abandon economy, and to be selfish. They are sick, who are not humble but try always to be first. Only he who is compassionate can show true bravery, and in defending, show great strength. Compassion is the means by which mankind may be guarded and saved, for The Force of The All, which is also the force of that which is right, arms with compassion those whom justice would not see destroyed.

The American Dream By The Provocateur Network

Something to consider as the bankers and their sphere of influence spreads even more widely….as people continue to live in “the Dream”.

Don’t fixate on the problem being solely an American one, as the disease is spreading worldwide, and will touch all men. As the Sixth to Come said in his time:

“The moneychangers and the usurers shall cry out in despair of their trade, and will offer you and the Lamb ransom to change your course. Turn your back upon them, for they know only evil; and misery is their trade among men. And they know what evil they do: for they lust after the fruits of gold, and do no labour. They grow not, yet they reap; and sow only the seeds of slavery for their own gain; and harden their hearts as does the common harlot, against all things that are right among men.” ( The Book of Man: page 813)






Sometimes you just might wonder if someone is not telling you something…….but you will only hear if your have ears to hear, if you see what I mean. Then again, it’s just a movie, is it not? Do you know if you are not awake, or not sleeping? ENTER

Way thought for the day – 24.5.2011

Those who follow the Natural Path are different from others in three respects. They have great mercy and economy, and the courage not to compete. From mercy there comes courage; from economy, generosity; and from humility, willingness to lead from behind.

Way thought for the day – 23.5.2011

The sea is the ruler of river and stream, because it rules from well beneath. The teacher guides his students best, by allowing them to lead. When the ruler is a Caulbearer, the people do not feel oppressed; they support the one who rules them well, and never tire of him, he who is non-competitive, and so invites no competition.

5 Monkeys – or a lesson on rote obedience

Start with a cage containing 5 monkeys…. this story illustrates how human society keeps doing the same things over and over again because – “that’s the way things have always been done around here”.

5 Monkeys


Now, afer that, have a little fun. This next video is a simple test of your awareness. Pay close attention and count how many passes of the ball does the team in white make?

Awareness Test





Way thought for the day – 22.5.2011


There are two ways of government. One is to be cunning, to act with guile, and to contrive to cheat the people. When this way is used to rule, the people grow in cunning, and contrive to cheat the ruler.

The second way to govern the land, is to do so without contriving. People so governed are truly blessed, for they are governed with virtue, and virtuous government is fair to all, thus leading to unity.

The Numbers of Nature – mathematical order


You may or may not know of the relevance of numbers within the natural order of the Universe, within plants and many biological structures. This is often called the Golden Mean, or the Golden Ratio, or Phi (pronounced ‘fi’, or sometimes ‘fee’). The following videos give some idea as to how the proportion is hidden within everyday objects.


  • The Golden Ratio in the human body: LINK
  • Nature by numbers: LINK
  • The proportion in music, architecture, biology LINK