A truly good man is unaware of the good deeds he performs. Conversely, an evil man must try continuously to be good, and so inevitably fail, returning like the dog to its vomit, and a pig to the mire. A good man seems to do little or naught, yet he leaves nothing undone. A foolish man must always strive, whilst leaving much undone. The man who is truly wise and kind leaves nothing to be done, but he who only acts according to his nation’s laws may so be restricted by their poor quality, ignoring good justice, which is the purpose of law, leaving many things undone.
Way thought for the day 15.3.2011
The wise leader knows his actions must be without the use of forced energy. He knows that more is still required, for he also knows that he must act without deliberate intent of having no intention. To act without contrived intent is to act without contriving, and is the way of Nature, and is also the way of the Caulbearer, the Master and the humble follower of The Way, who stands head and shoulders over their fellows.
Way thought for the day 14.3.2011
The way of Nature is not contrived, yet nothing which is required of it is left undone. Observing nature, the wise leader knows this, and replaces desire with dispassion, thus saving that energy, otherwise spent, which has not been wasted away.
Way thought for the day 13.3.2011
That which is soft and supple may overcome the hard and strong, as the willow defies the strong wind and water wears the granite rock.
Way thought for the day 12.3.2011
The biggest fish stay deep in the pond, and a country’s best weapons are a man’s personal weapons. Except for weapons needed for daily protection, they should be kept locked away until needed.
Way thought for the day 7.3.2011
He who has many material things may be described as rich, but if he who knows he has enough, and is at one with The Way, he is truly wealthy. Though he might have enough of material things, he must seek wisdom and have self-being as well, for without such he has nothing, and that which he considers that he has is so rendered worthless.
Way thought for the day 18.3.2011
It is the way of Nature that things which expand might also shrink, that he who is strong, will at some time be weak, that he who is raised may then be cast down, and that all men have a need to give, and also have a need to receive.
Way thought for the day 11.3.2011
Whilst guests enjoy good music and food, as these are supplied by a benevolent host, a description of The Way seems without form, for it cannot be heard and cannot be seen. When the music and food are all ended, the taste of the wisdom of The Way still remains.
Way thought for the day 10.3.2011
Modelling himself upon The Way, he who is wise does not contrive, but is content with what he achieves. The wise man acts at one with the Force of Life, for he knows it is here that peace is found. Where there is no harmony; neither is there prosperity. It is for this reason that it is diligently sought.
Way thought for the day 9.3.2011
All things may act, without exclusion, according to the natural way, which fulfils its purpose silently, and with no claim. Being an aspect of natural order, The All is not the ruler of any thing, but remains the source of nourishment. The concept may or may not be seen, because it has no form and it has no intention or secret design; but all natural things rely on its presence. When all things return to it, it does not enslave them, it sets men free, and its greatness prevails.